New Mexico Conservation Easement made simple.

A conservation easement is a means to provide permanent protection from development for land having important natural values such os open space, animal habitat, biodiversity, or others, and to derive valuable tax benefits in the process.

• A conservation easement is a voluntary, permanent set of legal restrictions on land, to keep the land protected from development.

• The easement must be donated to a qualified tax-exempt conservation organization which will monitor and enforce the easement in perpetuity.

• The owner retains the full right to use and enjoy the land, and to sell it or convey it by gift or by will. but the owner and his or her (or their) successors remain bound by the terms of the easement.

• If the easement is approved by the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division, the owner becomes entitled to a credit against New Mexico income taxes in an amount equal to one-half of the fair market value of the donated easement as determined by on appraisal, up to a maximum of $250,000 for each easement (but subject to approval of the appraisal by the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Deportment). Additionally. the full value of the donated easement may qualify as a charitable deduction from income for federal tax purposes.

•The New Mexico tax credit is transferable, and therefore persons and entities willing to purchase such credits, for as much as 75 cents on the dollar or more.


Bill Zeedyk - Erosion and Land Management Workshop